The Full Guide To Muscle Building Workout Plan For Beginners – An Easy To Follow Plan For Maximum Results
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Why Bodyweight Training?. 3
Chapter 2: Upper Body Explosion. 9
Chapter 3: Lower Body Insanity. 15
Workout # 2: Hips and Calves. 19
Chapter 4: Whole Body Mayhem.. 21
Workout # 1: Jumping Jacks. 22
Workout # 2: Advanced Burpees. 23
Workout # 3: The Hip Extender. 24
Chapter 1: Why Bodyweight Training?
What is bodyweight training?
Bodyweight training utilizes a class of different movements (collectively known as bodyweight exercises) that make use of our body’s natural resistance to being moved about.
Bodyweight training is a very challenging way to burn fat and develop muscle because it requires not only strength and endurance but also plenty of willpower and patience.
What do you need to succeed in bodyweight training?
When you perform bodyweight exercises, your natural balance and stability will be put to the test. You will have to learn how to find your center of gravity quickly and in different positions so you can improve your form when performing different movements.
This book will show you just how effective and hardcore bodyweight exercises can be. They’re not just for people who can’t visit the gym regularly – these elite exercises are for fitness buffs and bodybuilders who are not afraid to go up against the most formidable source of physical resistance: the human body.
The Challenge
The Extreme Bodyweight Strength Challenge should be performed at least three times a week and can be combined with any existing weight loss program that involves exercise. You can also use bodyweight exercises as the physical fitness component if you are trying to lose weight purely through dieting.
Exercises are extremely important when you are trying to lose weight because they help maintain lean muscle mass and they keep your metabolism up.
Weight loss with low metabolism can cause health issues so be sure to include an exercise component and most importantly – don’t starve yourself in the process!
What’s the secret to successful weight loss?
Successful weight loss occurs when a person finally finds his “center of gravity” when it comes to physical activity and calorie consumption. Each person’s journey to gaining a healthy weight is different. Some people find it easier to lose weight when they exercise seven times a week.
Other people lose weight faster if they only perform moderate exercises and they focus closely on what they eat. The story is different for each weight loss warrior.
If there’s one secret about weight loss that you have to learn, it’s this: you have to be consistent. Gaining weight wasn’t an overnight affair. You didn’t gain those extra pounds last week. The weight you have now is the result of your lifestyle and diet and is the accrued result of many years of living.
Consistency in your dieting and exercise will ensure that those extra pounds will also be progressively melted away through exercise and proper nutrition.
What are the benefits of bodyweight exercises?
People often ask me this question because the common notion is that you always need gym equipment such as treadmills, barbells and dumbbells to achieve physical fitness.
Here are some of the best benefits of starting body weight exercises as soon as you can:
- High Caloric Burn
Bodyweight exercises are extremely efficient in burning off calories because you can steadily increase the intensity of each movement and you can shift to another movement in a matter of seconds.
If your goal is to lose weight and stay lean for years to come, bodyweight exercises is one of the most practical and effective methods of achieving these goals. You won’t have to buy equipment because everything you could possibly need is already available – your body!
Scientific studies are also backing up the claims of thousands of avid body weight exercise fans around the world. It appears that the body does burn a much higher number of calories when the intensity is increased and multiple muscle groups are involved during a workout.
- Resistance and Cardio In One Neat Package
Bodyweight training requires the use of many of the major muscle groups and the recommended intensity is moderate to high. This makes bodyweight exercises an excellent alternative form of cardio for both men and women.
And because you’re lifting your body in most movements, you are also engaged in weight training while doing cardio. It’s like hitting two birds with one shot!
- Core Power
One of the unique advantages of performing bodyweight exercises regularly is the positive impact on your abdominal or core muscles. Our core muscles are one of the trickiest muscle groups to train because they’re located in between the upper and lower limbs.
When you perform a bodyweight exercise, some of the strain is absorbed by the core muscles because you have to maintain balance at all times. Your front core muscles and side stabilizer core muscles are always contracting and relaxing as your body adapts to each movement.
This eBook assumes the following:
- That you are interested in learning more about bodyweight exercises and you are willing to read this book with a mind that is open to new ideas.
- That you will not use the information in this book as a substitute for professional healthcare advice and that you will seek the aid of a certified fitness trainer when you’re ready to workout.
- That you will make a conscious effort to try the exercises in this book with full knowledge that any type of exercise, whether with equipment or just your body’s natural weight, poses a certain level of risk.
Medical Disclaimer:
Always consult with your physician before beginning any physical fitness program or diet program.
If you experience pain at any point during the exercise, please stop and consult with your healthcare provider.
Chapter 2: Upper Body Explosion
The Upper Body Explosion segment of the challenge will focus on developing the major muscle groups that are responsible for pushing, pulling, lifting, etc. Your overall physical function is affected by the strength and endurance of the muscle groups in your upper body.
Developing your upper body strength will ensure optimum performance in day to day physical activities.
The strength that you will gain from these exercises will also improve your handling of actual weights and may even help develop your flexibility when you’re playing demanding sports such as tennis or bowling.
Let’s get started!
Workout # 1: Triceps
- Find the largest and sturdiest table you can get your hands on. The table should be able to stay in place while you’re working out and the surface itself should be able to support your weight.
- Place both your hands on the table (or chair) as if you were performing an angled push up. Keep your back and legs straight as you do so.
- Straighten your entire body so that it resembles a sturdy plank being balanced on top of the table (again, at an angle). Your back should look like a ramp leading up to the top of a ship.
- Place your feet together and bend your toes to steady your lower body.
- Begin this exercise by slowly lowering your entire upper body by gently bending both your elbows. You are performing this exercise correctly if you can feel a strain just above your elbow – those are your triceps in action!
- As go down, be sure to contract the muscles on your backside and abdominals. Your abdominal area will feel a bit of strain as it stabilizes your entire body during the positive and negative phases of the exercise.
Workout # 2: Biceps
- Find a large beam or doorway arch that can support your weight. If worst comes to worst, you can use a full-sized chin up bar.
No other item will be used to support you during the actual exercise, apart from the bar or beam that you will grab hold of at the beginning of the movement.
- Start this exercise by grabbing the support bar or support beam firmly with your hands. Stretch your body downward, locking together both feet.
- Bend your knees slightly as you keep your two feet locked together. Contract your abdominal muscles, shoulder muscles and biceps as you pull yourself upward.
Go fast on the upward phase and slowly go down to really stretch your bicep muscles.
- If you cannot manage being off the ground for the duration of this exercise, feel free to step on a chair. But once you’ve mastered how to stabilize your weight while holding on to the support beam or support bar, remove the chair.
Workout # 3: Chest
Nothing beats the feeling of successfully training and conditioning your chest using one of the oldest and most effective movements known to the fitness world: pushups.
Pushup Version 1
The wide push up is recommended for people who have a little experience with pushups but is still not strong enough for triceps-focused pushups.
- Get into a pushup position on the floor. Your back and legs should be straight and your feet should be close together for the duration of this exercise.
- Place your hands four to five inches away from their usual spots when you perform a pushup.
This is the vital twist to the classic pushup that will challenge your chest muscles and back muscles at the same time. The wide stance of the arms and hands will activate your back muscles as you move up and down.
- Perform as many pushups as you can while maintaining proper form.
Be sure to contract and expand your chest muscles as powerfully as you can during this workout so that your chest muscles will perform more than 50% of the work.
Your arms are there to support the chest muscles. Don’t allow your arms to become the prime movers of this exercise.
Pushup Version 2
When you’re done with the wide pushup, it’s time to test your bodyweight exercise skills. Pushup Version 2 is called the triceps-focused pushup because it will place a much higher strain on your triceps as you move up and down.
The muscular load will be maintained on the chest but your triceps will handle at least 40% of the required muscular effort to lift your whole body up and down.
- Get into a pushup position and maintain a straight aspect from head to toe. When performing pushups, do not allow your knees to bend as this wrecks the required form of the exercise.
If you feel your knees bending while you are performing a pushup, stop and realign your whole body before continuing with the exercise.
- Next, place your hands close together as if you were trying to create a perfect triangle with your thumbs and index fingers. The tips of your index fingers and thumbs should be touching for the duration of this exercise.
- When you’re ready, gently lower your body and feel your bodyweight straining your triceps and chest muscles. Pause for 1 count before gently going up again. Perform as many triceps-focused push-ups before ending the session.
Medical Disclaimer:
Always consult with your physician before beginning any physical fitness program or diet program.
If you experience pain at any point during exercise, please stop and consult with your healthcare provider.
Chapter 3: Lower Body Insanity
Lower Body Insanity is all about energizing tired and frozen muscles in the lower region of your body.
People who are stuck to their desks all day often suffer from chronic pain and muscular cramps because their leg muscles don’t get enough exercise.
The Lower Body Insanity segment of our challenge should be performed right after the Upper Body Explosion segment. Feel free to enjoy a 5-minute cooldown period after finishing the first phase of our challenge.
This part of the challenge will include not only your leg muscles but also your core muscles or stabilizer muscles. The core muscles are not normally associated with the upper body as they are not used directly for lifting, pushing or pulling.
While it is true that our core muscles are right in the middle, they are extremely important for stability and strength and they should never be discounted during any type of workout.
When you’re ready, proceed with the following exercises:
Workout # 1: Core Muscles
Strong core muscles will allow you to perform an endless array of exercises in and out of your home. Your core muscles are responsible for supporting your entire upper body during a workout and are also there to stabilize you so you don’t fall over when you bend down.
Developing your abdominal muscles can be very challenging in the beginning but as you reap the rewards of your effort you will realize that it was all worth it.
Abdominal Crunches
- Place a yoga mat or any mat large enough for the entire length of your body.
- Lie down on the mat and straighten your legs. Bend your knees upward and keep them straight as well.
- Place your hands behind your head and support your neck. Look upward, not forward. Looking at the ceiling will redirect your focus to your abdominal muscles which should be the prime movers in this exercise.
- When you’re ready, contract your abdominal muscles so that your upper body will rise and come as close as possible to your knees.
- When you achieve your full ROM (range of motion), perform a controlled descent while maintaining the strain on your abdominal muscles. Don’t forget to breathe out forcefully during the upward phase of the crunch. Breathe in steadily as you slowly descend to your starting position.
- If you performed this exercise correctly you shouldn’t feel any strain on your neck. If you still feel strain or pain after performing crunches, it’s possible that you are “leading” your body upward using your neck.
This is a potentially risky decision as the ligaments and muscles that support the neck are very sensitive and are not meant to be strained for long periods of time.
Front Planks Version 1
- Get into a push-up position with your hands slightly farther away on both sides.
- Straighten your back and legs and maintain this posture for the duration of the exercise.
- Spread your feet so that there are roughly 1.5 feet of space in between. This will help stabilize your body.
- To begin this exercise, get into the front plank position described above. Simply hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds before relaxing. Repeat the movement several more times while maintaining ideal form.
You can also work out your side abdominal muscles by shifting your weight to your sides.
Support yourself on one side using either your left or right arm. Place your free foot on top of the fulcrum (i.e. the foot that is in contact with the ground) or a few inches forward so that you have another support point.
Maintain proper form while performing either a front plank or side plank.
Workout # 2: Hips and Calves
The most effective way of shredding the hips and calves is by performing squats.
Squats may sound commonplace but they’re one of the most challenging and grueling workouts known in the gym. I’ve seen many grown men shy away from squat contests because they know that this is a tough movement to boot.
- Stand on a spot with legs shoulder-width apart. Place your hands behind your head.
- Maintain a straight aspect while performing this exercise. When you’re ready, slowly lower yourself as if you were sitting down on a chair.
- As you lower your body, feel the muscular strain on your hips and calves. Use your core muscles to stabilize your upper body so that you do not sway forward during the downward movement. Your back doesn’t have to be completely vertical – you just have to keep it straight while squatting.
- When you bend your knees to accommodate the “sitting” movement, make sure that you do not overextend them. It’s easy to overextend the knees because they take on extra weight more easily.
However, frequent overextensions can tear ligaments and this will put you out of commission for many months. Knee injuries are also very painful so spare yourself the pain and maintain proper form.
- When you reach the maximal point on the downward phase of the squat, take a deep breath and explode upward. To recap: go down slowly as if you are sitting on a chair and exert explosive force and speed during the upward phase.
- Perform 20 to 30 squats or more if you can!
Medical Disclaimer: Always consult with your physician before beginning any physical fitness program or diet program.
If you experience pain at any point during the exercise, please stop and consult with your healthcare provider.
Chapter 4: Whole Body Mayhem
This is the final and most challenging segment of the challenge: Whole Body Mayhem!
As the title implies, we’re going to take everything that you’ve experienced so far and turn it sideways. We’re not going to focus on just one or two muscle groups, we’re going to hit all major muscle groups to ensure maximum caloric burn.
Take note that these exercises are used by many certified trainers to break weight loss plateaus and improve overall physical conditioning… Because they’re the toughest exercises on the planet!
If you’re done cooling down from Lower Body Insanity, it’s time to shift gears:
Workout # 1: Jumping Jacks
Jumping jacks are universally known for their ability to exhaust even the toughest lumberjacks of fitness. This movement is maddeningly simple and yet it can fatigue a wide array of muscle groups after a few repetitions.
- Stand straight with hands at your sides and with your feet shoulder width apart.
- When you’re ready, jump upward and as you do, swing your arms upward so that your thumbs almost touch. Make sure that you create a firm, wide arc as you jump up to get the maximum ROM (range of motion) of your arms.
- Move your legs apart when you jump upward. There should be adequate strain on the muscles on your backside (gluteus maximus) and your calves. Use your calves to stabilize your whole body during the explosive phase of this exercise.
- Return to your starting position and immediately proceed to jump again while maintaining proper form. The most challenging aspect of the Jumping Jack is to keep your back and shoulders straight during the exercise.
The swinging of your arms will also test your mettle as fatigue will set in when you maximize your arms’ range of motion. Be strong and keep jumping!
- For this challenging workout, I suggest you do at least 50 jumping jacks. If you can do 50 and another 50 after a short cool down period, do it! However, you have to maintain proper form to ensure that all the target muscle groups are exercised adequately.
Workout # 2: Advanced Burpees
Nothing defines mayhem in the gym like burpees. When I first tried burpees many years ago, I thought someone had punched a hole in my stomach – my muscles were knotted so tightly after 12 repetitions!
Personal experiences aside, burpees are an excellent way to build unbelievable flexibility, stamina and muscular endurance. This is one of the few exercises out there that truly challenge the upper body, core muscles and lower body in one fell swoop.
And the best thing about it is that it doesn’t require any special tools or equipment. You can perform this exercise in a hotel room or any other place where there’s sufficient space for a pushup.
- Begin this exercise by standing straight with hands at your sides and your legs shoulder-width apart. This exercise has several phases and each phase targets specific muscle groups.
- Jump upward explosively so that your feet are airborne for a second. As you move upward, raise your arms vertically (as if reaching for a basketball). Once your feet hit the ground, get into a pushup position as quickly as possible.
- Once you are in a pushup position, perform one full push up before bending both your knees toward your chest so that your calves, hips and core muscles contract all at the same time.
- When your knees reach their maximal point near the chest, use your arms and legs to support your body as you explode upward once again. Don’t forget to raise your arms as you rocket upward from the ground.
- Drop to the ground once again and repeat steps 3 and 4. Repeat this exercise at least 12 times for the first attempt. Feel free to segment your exercise so you can catch your breath.
Workout # 3: The Hip Extender
If you want to exercise your core muscles and chest muscles at the same time, the Hip Extender workout is right for you.
- To begin this exercise, drop to the ground in a pushup position. Place your arms slightly farther apart to accommodate the balancing component of this exercise.
- Stabilize your body with your left/right foot and raise one leg upward with knee bent. Your elevated leg should be two to three inches higher than the other leg.
- Perform as many pushups as you can while in this position.
This is just the beginning…
This body weight strength challenge is a great place to start on your path to your dream body.
However, it’s important to realize that even the best supplements, scientific nutrition plans and training regimes can fail you like they are failing millions of other guys around the world right now.
It’s not your fault.
The fact is, most guys aren’t getting the square pecs, thick arms, V-shape waist and chiseled stomach they dream of, no matter how careful they are, or how hard they work.
In fact, they’re just getting bigger… puffier… and even chubbier looking than before!
That’s a tough pill to swallow when you’re hitting the gym 6 times a week, cutting out booze and treats, and following your supplement and training regime like a new religion.
So what gives?
Is it genetics?
It’s because most programs pack on too much muscle in the wrong areas, and neglect the real fat burning process that reveals your hard-fought muscle that’s been hiding beneath the surface.
Which is why, over the past few years, thousands of skinny guys have been shown a better way… turning their bodies into lean, muscular, beach-ready powerhouses… with a completely new philosophy that popular magazines and websites don’t seem to be talking about.
To find out more, visit How To Build Muscles
Medical Disclaimer: Always consult with your physician before beginning any physical fitness program or diet program.
If you experience pain at any point during exercise, please stop and consult with your healthcare provider.
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